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The Simple Path to Wealth

TPWOne of the cornerstones of this blog is the fact that you need to achieve financial peace so that financial worries can’t rob your happiness.

Everything we do is for one and only one reason — to be free and to be happy.

A street smart person knows how to navigate through the streets like a ninja to avoid those who want to steal your happiness and wallet.

There are plethora of blogs and sites writing about personal finance but there aren’t many gifted, brilliant writers like my friend JL Collins who can take an esoteric subject of financial well-being and make it simple enough so that even a dork can achieve financial freedom.

Those of you who have read his stock series that I published on this blog can relate to this very notion of simplicity and finesse JL Collins has to teach you a surefire way to take control of your own financial future.

His book, The Simple Path to Wealth, is a tome that has all the wisdom that you need to stop making so-called experts rich by blindly handing your hard-earned money and start investing on your own without getting overwhelmed with complex asset allocation methods.

Contrary to your belief, he shows you how easy it is to start investing in low-cost index funds — he is a big proponent of Vanguard Index Funds — and let money grow as market always goes up in the long run.

You may have invested in various mutual funds without knowing their expense ratios(ER). Most of us ignore 1-2% expense ratio(ER) but this book will show you how many thousands or perhaps hundred of thousands of dollars you are losing by ignoring fees you pay over the long haul.

The book covers all aspects of your personal finance and retirement while keeping you engaged as JL Collins can tell stories that we all can relate to.

I can go on and on as I am somewhat bias…but I believe that if you want peace with your money, you can’t afford not to own this book. I promise.